Oasap Cyber Monday Giveaway -closed
Dragele mele , iata si eu m-am afiliat la Oasap ! De ce nu? Toata blogosfera internationala este isterizata si innebunita cu acest site . Adevarul e ca eu demult am cont acolo , mi-am comandat si eu geanta prin creditul acordat de ei, dar a trecut un an si geanta nu a mai ajuns. Nu e nicio problema , mai incercam. Asadar , urati-mi bafta si haideti sa purcedem la un giveaway tare dragut . Nu aveti nimic de pierdut !
Inainte de toate , as vrea va arat cateva lucrusoare care mi-au placut mie .
Astea sunt doar cateva piese , dar stiti foarte bine ca pe site gasiti o gramada de chestii frumoase .
Si acum giveaway . Va rog sa ma sustineti, inscrieti-va cu incredere , nu avet nimic de pierdut!!!
This time the rules are extremely simple:
- Register on Oasap
-Like me on FB
- Leave a comment with your email address to be contacted if you win
-Like Oasap Fashion on FB , pinterest
-Comment with your email and your link with favorite apparels from Oasap
- Share this post !
Two winners !!! First winner will receive $50 coupons, and second one will receive $ 30 coupons, to buy any items on www.oasap.com.
The Giveaway start today and ends in a week, 7 December . Good luck!
This giveaway is open internationaly!
Si acum, fetelor , uitati-va si voi pe site , cred ca gasiti multe lucruri dragute si ar fi un cadou frumos de Craciun , nu?
Si acum de ziua Recunostintei Oasap are promotii foarte tentante . Va imbratisez si multumesc!
P.S. Intrucat conditia concursului a fost 50 de inscrieri si nu am indeplinit aceasta conditie, giveaway-ul nu este valabil. Va multumesc tuturor!
Inainte de toate , as vrea va arat cateva lucrusoare care mi-au placut mie .
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ce ziceti de manusile astea? |
Si acum giveaway . Va rog sa ma sustineti, inscrieti-va cu incredere , nu avet nimic de pierdut!!!
This time the rules are extremely simple:
- Register on Oasap
-Like me on FB
- Leave a comment with your email address to be contacted if you win
-Like Oasap Fashion on FB , pinterest
-Comment with your email and your link with favorite apparels from Oasap
- Share this post !
Two winners !!! First winner will receive $50 coupons, and second one will receive $ 30 coupons, to buy any items on www.oasap.com.
The Giveaway start today and ends in a week, 7 December . Good luck!
This giveaway is open internationaly!
Si acum, fetelor , uitati-va si voi pe site , cred ca gasiti multe lucruri dragute si ar fi un cadou frumos de Craciun , nu?
Si acum de ziua Recunostintei Oasap are promotii foarte tentante . Va imbratisez si multumesc!
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click here for a fabulous shopping |
P.S. Intrucat conditia concursului a fost 50 de inscrieri si nu am indeplinit aceasta conditie, giveaway-ul nu este valabil. Va multumesc tuturor!
40 comentarii
Paltonul e genial !:*
RăspundețiȘtergereSunt inscrisa cu ifederova@gmail.com
RăspundețiȘtergereshare aici : https://www.facebook.com/federova19/posts/495702337195342
Mie imi place concursul, o sa-l postez si eu pe al meu :P.
a, imi plac multe chestii dar pun un singur link:
Buna seara, Stela!
RăspundețiȘtergerefb: nadia alina candrea
item: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/34905-paneled-peplum-cable-cardigan.html, il ador!
share: https://www.facebook.com/nadiaalina.candrea/posts/710793158940696
Multumesc, o seara placuta!
Прекрасно для осени!
RăspundețiȘtergereInregistrata cu: carmen_just_4_you@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Carmen Ghituleasa
Share: https://www.facebook.com/carmen.ghituleasa/posts/10202707860922814
Item: http://www.oasap.com/cardigans/29465-geometry-graphic-batwing-cardigan.html
Suuper concursul!!
RăspundețiȘtergereAm cont cu deesboudoir@gmail.com.
Am share-uit aici: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=581579231913228&id=230501017021053
Si tare mi-ar placea sa-mi iau palaria asta:http://www.oasap.com/hats/8130-elegant-waved-brim-vintage-hat.html
Te puup!!
superb concurs,felicitari:)
FB: crystyna nichita
RăspundețiȘtergereshare: https://www.facebook.com/crystina.nichita/posts/471896736252366
produs : http://www.oasap.com/boots/35657-sequined-ankle-boots.html
email: inncristina@gmail.com
pinterest: crystyna nichita
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Cristina Popescu
email; cristina.popesku@yahoo.com
Share concurs: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10201238725149717
produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35256-color-block-a-line-dress.html
fb:Tatiana Sorina
RăspundețiȘtergereprodus preferat :http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35647-double-breasted-cape-bodycon-dress.html
super concurs,multumesc :*
RăspundețiȘtergerefb:Georgyaa Geoo
oasap link:http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/32677-studded-distressed-denim-jacket.html
multumim pt concurs ,mi-as doriii mult sa castig si eu ceva la ei,te pup
GFC: gabriela gabriela
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Gabriela Gabriela
Email: gabrielaasmin@gmail.com
produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35134-floral-jacquard-a-line-dress.html
gfc: Anca Gabriela
RăspundețiȘtergerefb: Anca Gabriela Lupu
email: anca.gabrielaa@yahoo.com
produs preferat:http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35650-standout-paneled-flounce-dress.html
link share: https://www.facebook.com/anca.gabriela.9400/posts/571382589598106
FB-Hany Petty
RăspundețiȘtergeremail: hanypetty@yahoo.com
Produsul preferat:http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/35153-snowman-appliqued-furry-sweater.html
gfc : dorofte alexandra
RăspundețiȘtergerefb : alexandra-elisabet dorofte
e-mail :adorofte@yahoo.com
link produs : http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/34901-standout-paneled-hooded-coat.html
share : https://www.facebook.com/alexandraelisabet.dorofte/posts/1433879400163914
Mail: ppainter8@gmail.com
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Alexandra Cîrlea
Share: https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.cirlea/posts/370387009763845
Produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/33394-drapped-open-front-cardigan.html
RăspundețiȘtergereFB : Adriana Camelia Andrasescu Scrieciu
Email : andrasescu.camelia@gmail.com
Share : https://www.facebook.com/andrasescu.camelia/posts/586162964785349
Produs preferat : http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35022-flounce-floral-print-dress.html
Multumesc tare frumos!
fb:culbece claudia
RăspundețiȘtergereIvan Vali claudia_ivan_vali@yahoo.com
Share: https://www.facebook.com/valy.ivan.9/posts/582955078463256
Mi-as dori acest produs : http://www.oasap.com/hats/8116-woolen-wide-brim-gentleman-hat.html
Multumesc frumos !
paltonasul albastru mi-a luat ochii!
RăspundețiȘtergereEmail inscriere pe site : blogul_pandorei@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereShare: https://www.facebook.com/blogul.pandorei/posts/184282658441267
Mi-ar placea asta: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/35763-loose-high-low-furry-sweater.html
FB:Janeta Janet
Produs preferat:http://www.oasap.com/dresses/28670-sweet-v-neck-cap-sleeve-pleated-chiffon-dress.html
fb.pop aurelia,share.share.https://www.facebook.com/pop.aurelia.5mail popaurelia_50@yahoo.com,Produs preferat:http://www.oasap.com/dresses/28670-sweet-v-neck-cap-sleeve-pleated-chiffon-dress.html
RăspundețiȘtergerefacebook Ana Cris
RăspundețiȘtergereemail anna_14_love@yahoo.com
share https://www.facebook.com/ana.cris.7796
produs https://www.pinterest.com/pin/456622849690351182/
e-mail: teofana_horghidan@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereshare: https://www.facebook.com/teofana.horghidan/posts/807920195900571
produs: http://www.oasap.com/hats/33969-broad-brim-wool-blend-hat.html (black)
RăspundețiȘtergerefb Hermi Blue
share https://www.facebook.com/hermiblue/posts/10152159550074705
Mail inregistrare: Gavriloiadina@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereFB like: Adina Gavriloi
Pinterest: Adina Gavriloi
Share link: http://www.facebook.com/adinamirabela.gavriloi/posts/636257569750576
Produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/handbags/29813-fashion-floral-cutout-handbag.html
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Camelia Covaci
pinterest: Camelia Covaci
share: https://www.facebook.com/rcameliab/posts/10201920600509650
item:http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/35562-sweet-hooded-padding-jacket.html (black)
Am ezitat putin sa ma inscriu pentru ca imi vin coletele la Mures dar am un motiv in plus de a vizita orasul :D
RăspundețiȘtergerem-am inscris pe Oasap cu beautyandrecipe@yahoo.com
share: https://www.facebook.com/macy.mac.796/posts/1432360746982438
FB/Pinterest: Macy Mac/Macy
articolul meu preferat: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/34945-vintage-peplum-cable-sweater.html
Email marya2185@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereitem http://www.oasap.com/boots/34353-cool-girl-paneled-ankle-boots.html
fb:Nicoleta Agcahe
produs: http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/34901-standout-paneled-hooded-coat.html
M-am inscris cu georgiana_p87 at yahoo dot com
RăspundețiȘtergereFacebook : Georgiana Popa
share : https://www.facebook.com/georgiana.popa.92/posts/10200131373086616
Am dat follow si pe pinterest.
Mailul e cel de mai sus.
Produs preferat : http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/35559-notched-collar-plaid-coat.html
fb, pinterest: Calin Andreea Daniela
RăspundețiȘtergereshare: http://www.facebook.com/calin.andreeadaniela/posts/541021815983206
mail: aki_yda@yahoo.com
produs: http://www.oasap.com/coats-jackets/35774-classic-tribal-double-breasted-coat.html
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/273453008597601376/ b.nicolleta@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereshare: https://www.facebook.com/violeta.rednic/posts/1400358796871901
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Violeta Rednic
mail: violetamary12@gmail.com
item: http://www.oasap.com/dresses/35650-standout-paneled-flounce-dress.html
fb : Iacob Monica
RăspundețiȘtergeree-mail : monikka_h@yahoo.com
produs : http://www.oasap.com/pullovers/31589-studded-loose-sweater.html
Email: monica.daliu@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Monica Daliu
Produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/35706-santa-claus-appliqued-sweater.html
Share: https://www.facebook.com/monica.daliu/posts/3816094898192
Email: milita.petre@yahoo.com
RăspundețiȘtergereFB: Milita Petre
Share: https://www.facebook.com/milita.petre/posts/283889025096258
Produs favorit: http://www.oasap.com/sweaters-cardigans/32676-retro-braided-sweater.html
FB: Denisa Ivascu
RăspundețiȘtergereEmail: make_me_smile82@yahoo.com
Produs preferat: http://www.oasap.com/dresses/33710-pu-strappy-lace-dress.html
Share: https://www.facebook.com/denise.ad.31/posts/373917269411331