
Russian fashion editor about style


                             Evelina Khromchenko - Former Editor-in-Chief, L'Officiel Russia 

According to Evelyn Hromchenko's various foreign and Russian mass media is the most influential person in the Russian world of a fashion and the most recognizable person of the Russian fashion in Russia and the world. 
Evelina also talented journalist. Here some her statements with which you will not argue!)

1. I don't trust in a rich inner world of the started person just as I do not believe that a being with unprofitable locks and exaggerated as flat cakes, lips the developed intelligence has. 
2. If about you gossip — means, you are live and to someone disturb. If you want to make in life something serious, important and appreciable, it is necessary to understand that at your business by all means will be both supporters, and opponents. 
3. Never it is impossible to be dismissed. It is necessary to be always in shape. It is impossible to be shown in bad condition. Especially to the family. They are frightened. And enemies, on the contrary, test happiness. Therefore, whatever occurred, it is necessary to think of how you look. 

4. The well-groomed woman always achieves the woman in a dressing gown can't achieve what. 
5. It is necessary to be better, than yesterday, instead of it is better, than others. Though this strategy of life and not the easiest, but the most safe … 
6. The woman can be any, the main thing — to remember that it not thick, but appetizing, not long, but stately, not lean, but harmonous, not the pudge, and a miniature. It is necessary to appreciate that God gave you! 
7. I have no strongly pronounced motto. But I precisely know that never it is impossible to lower hands and never it is impossible to stop. Regardless of that, it would be desirable or not, it is good or bad, interesting or it is not interesting, it is necessary to do. And you always should know that you do.
Cititi cu atentie aceste cuvinte si o sa intelegeti multe. Evelina este una din persoanele cu influente foarte mari in lumea modei si o jurnalista importanta , fashion editor L'Officiel Russia . O admir , ii urmaresc emisiunea si incerc sa -i urmez sfaturile .  O cunoasteti? Si cum vi se par ideile ei?

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12 comentarii

  1. Yep... era pe la TV intr-un show despre moda.
    O femeie cu un simt estetic bine dezvoltat si cu o inteligenta sclipitoare.

  2. cred ca v-ar prinde bine o frizura asemanatoare d-nei respective ;)

  3. спасибо за приятные комментарии в моем блоге! очень благодарна и признательна!
    Я очень внимательно слежу за Эвелиной, ее карьерой, ее ростом, просматриваю ее твиттер и иногда захожу на ее сайт. Она безусловный лидер российской модной действительности, меня привлекает ее ум, афористичность высказываний, утонченный вкус, некомплиментарность, индивидуальный стиль. Ее высказывания могут быть спорными, но ее ум и обаяние очевидно для меня. Спасибо за классный пост!

  4. Согласна не со всеми её высказываниями, но она однозначно умная и стильная женщина!

  5. Мне импонирует ее стиль, ее мировоззрение и мышление, ее индивидуальность. Одним словом, Эвелина - большая умница! Очень и очень многому можно у нее поучиться!:)

  6. AAAAa ce-mi place de ea. O urmaresc pe un canal rusesc si imi plac mult sfaturile ei. E si o femeie frumoasa & inteligenta pe de-asupra.

    Merci de articol, l-am savurat cu placere!


  7. у меня к этой даме двоякое отношение O:-) она, конечно, сама элегантность и стиль, без всяких вычурных привычек и нарядов. Нравится ее минимализм и симплизм. Но с ее высказываниями иногда не согласнаO:-)

  8. very interesting, inspiring women
